Northamptonshire Local Offer Survey

Hello, and welcome to the Local Offer Viewpoint survey.

This survey is for young people aged up to 25 and is about using the Northamptonshire Local Offer. We don’t need to know who you are, so it is anonymous. We will look at what everyone says, and try to use the advice to improve services and the Local Offer.

The Local Offer is a website that puts in one place, all the information about services and support for young people (and children and their families) that have either a disability or a special educational need of any sort. It is also for people like therapists, teachers and other school staff to find information to help you.

It is important to us to know what you think of the Local Offer and if you could find what you were looking for.

Thank you for completing the survey.

Kathy Forsdyke, Local Offer Manager

Start the questionnaire