Carmarthenshire Super Survey

Carmarthenshire County Council wants to improve opportunities for young people in our County, to make sure that children and young people live healthy, safe and happy lives and feel secure and valued in our communities.
This survey will ask you about your health, education, lifestyle, opportunities or barriers that you may face. Your views are important. Please try to answer truthfully to help us carry on or to improve the way we work.
The survey will run from Wednesday 20 April to Sunday 10th July 2016
We hope that we will be able to give you feedback on the survey as early as April 2016 and will keep letting you know what we found out and if anything has changed.
Please share the survey with your friends and help us make Carmarthenshire a better safer place for you to live, learn and work!

Cllr Gareth Jones
Executive Board Member for Education

If you have any questions about Carmarthenshire Super Survey please contact Sarah Powell

Start the questionnaire